When you’re working on a book, you do a lot of research, and some of the statistics are fascinating. The cost of refitting a bathroom with High Efficiency Toilets and SSI (Sustainable Solutions International) High Efficiency Fixtures is approximately $400 per bathroom. The statistics Enviro Plumbing in Santa Monica, CA offered on pre-1992 + post 1992 homes refitted with High Efficiency Toilets and SSI High Efficiency Fixtures are astounding:
For each pre-1992 home refitted with High Efficiency Toilets and SSI High Efficiency Fixtures each homeowner will save:
Gallons of water per year |
Therms of Natural gas per Year |
kWh of electricity per year |
Saved (including natural gas, water and sewer) |
lb/yr of CO2 Emissions |
There is no more fresh water on Earth today than there was a million years ago. Yet today, 6 billion people share it. Since 1950, the world population has doubled, but water use has tripled. Californians use nearly 23 trillion gallons of water a year, much of it coming from Sierra Nevada snowmelt. But climate change is producing less snowpack and is causing it to melt faster each year, jeopardizing future supplies.
The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, a.k.a. LADWP, continues to stress the importance of using water wisely. Continued growth in population and commerce, and unpredictable climatic conditions are constant reminders that our water must be managed and used wisely. Since approximately 84 percent of the City's water is imported from hundreds of miles away, it simply does not make sense to waste it.
In view of this situation, LADWP encourages everyone to conserve water. Cooperation from our customers, including commercial and industrial businesses, has been outstanding. However, the effort must continue as water conservation is a necessary and important part of water supply planning for the future.
Here is 10-step approach to a Water Conservation Program for Businesses. These basic guidelines have been proven essential to a successful conservation effort, plus a bonus....
Prior experiences have revealed that for any program to be successful, the desire to conserve water must be present from the highest level of management on down. Upper management should understand and accept the fact that water conservation is necessary, and be fully committed to its support. |
The Urban Land Institute and the U.S. Green Building Council offer 10 reasons that green development makes smart business sense:
1) Upfront costs can be recovered
2) Integrated design lowers operating costs
3) Better buildings mean better employee productivity
4) Green technology provides healthier indoor air |
Studies and Awards are praising green commercial buildings for creating higher occupancy rates, stronger rents and higher sales prices.
The study, performed by CoStar Group, concluded that sustainable "green" buildings consistently outperform their non-green peer assets in key areas such as occupancy, sale price and rental rates. The awards for energy efficiency were national honors handed out by the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Southern California Green Real Estate Blog
A Green Scrapbook |
• $7,000 to $10,000: Costs for upgrading a typical 1,500-square-foot home’s heating and air-conditioning system.
• $10,000 to $60,000: The cost to replace a roof, with a simple composition roof costing $8,000 to $10,000, and a tile and slate roof costing $50,000 to $60,000.
• Life Expectancies:
- Wood shingle roof: 10 to 20 years
- Slate tile roof: 40 to 80 years
- Galvanized: 20 to 25 years water pipes
- Central air: 10 to 15 years
- Cultured marbled: 20 years countertops
• How much will it cost?
Visit www.pillartopost.com/home-repair-cost-upgrade-guide.aspx.
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